We’re the Mueller family. Our family of seven lives in a little house, on six acres of land in Slinger, Wisconsin, with a Collie named Gus, four cats and some chickens. Always having home educated, we started our journey as relaxed-eclectic types. Fall 2014 will mark three years of unschooling and deschooling. My shift in thinking began when my son became school age and was decidedly not interested in my educational agenda. I am truly grateful for online writers and friends in the Always Learning and Radical Unschooling Info communities for sharing their experience and wisdom. They have been a tremendous help and support in making our transition a peaceful one.
A bit about us as individuals:
Phil (who won't be attending) is a mechanical engineer. He owns and operates a chimney cleaning and repair business. He served 34 years in the Air Force and Air Force Reserve, retiring as a C-130 Engineer. He enjoys gaming, watching sci-fi, and reading all manner of technical magazines and home improvement journals. When the weather is nice, he is usually outside tending to the garden or fixing a piece of machinery.
Gretchen is a classic introvert. Her interests include natural health, decorating, home renovation, and hanging out with her family. She volunteers for La Leche League International and a large local natural food cooperative. When she’s not doing any of that, she can usually be found organizing something.
Since discovering cosplay last year, Sarah (16) has found a love for costuming and enjoys dressing up as favorite characters from different anime and TV shows. She is an artist and an avid gamer, her current favorite games being Bioshock Infinite, Portal 1 & 2 and Assassins Creed.
Joy (14) is an enthusiastic reader of just about anything, but particularly likes fiction, anime and comics. She also loves to watch anime, along with Marvel, DC Comics and Disney productions. She enjoys both attending theater and being on stage and this year had roles in two local productions. She dabbles with Minecraft and gets lost on Pinterest. She also works part time as a mother’s helper.
Andy (11) is into all things weapons and military related. He is an avid gamer, currently enjoying Minecraft (pc and xbox360), the Battlefield series, the Assassins Creed series, The Call of Duty series, the Halo series, and many more. He also loves Nerf gun battles, YouTube, military documentaries (WWII) swimming, summer camp, acting, and going to water parks. He is inspired by Carlos Hathcock for his bravery and courage during WWII.
Grace (8) loves playing Minecraft, watching Minecraft videos and playing Animal Crossing on her 3DS. She enjoys singing and acting in plays, riding her bike, swimming and also going to water parks. Her current favorite band is One Direction – she really likes their music videos.
Faith (4) is an outside kind of girl. She likes taking care of our chickens, walking Gus, playing at the park, swimming, and long baths. Her favorite shows are My Big Friend and Futurama – which she likes to watch both in and out of the tub.
Unfortunately, Phil won’t be coming with us to Minnesota, but the rest of us are looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones.